The Side Series

In addition to The Possessor Wars, I’m working on a side series that’s set in the same universe and takes place ten years after The Outcasts. The side series involves one character that appears briefly in The Outcasts as well as new characters.

This series isn’t a series of books. In the vernacular of writers and publishers, this is a series of novellas. A novella is longer than a short story or a novelette and shorter than a novel. Publishers generally consider something in the range of 17,000 to 40,000 words a novella.

Each novella in the series is an episode in the overall story. I’ll be selling them as pairs of episodes for $0.99.

For instance, I’ve already written Episode 1 and am writing Episode 2. When they’re finished, I’ll package both of them into a single download for the Kindle that costs $0.99.

I’m currently planning to release 4 pairs of  episodes, for a total of eight.

Why am I telling the story this way?

Well, there’s a practical reason and a not-so-practical reason.

The practical reason is that it’s easier for customers to buy a $0.99 download and see if they like the story. If they do, then they can keep buying the installments and it costs about the same as buying a full novel.

The not-so-practical reason is that this form of storytelling is fun-both or readers and for me. In the past (before TV), novels were often serialized in magazines and readers eagerly awaited the next installment in the story. It was fun. 

And I enjoy the challenge of telling a story in episodes rather than an entire novel. Each episode has to leave the reader wanting more. Each one has to make them anticipate the release of the next story. That’s a real challenge for the writer and it’s a great one. I’m really having fun with this.

So please keep an eye on the blog for the announcement of when the first two episodes are released. Or you could sign up for my newsletter and receive a notification as soon as they come out. I don’t spam you, I promise. I only send out the newsletter when there’s something to say. The newsletter is not just a big blah, blah, blah of marketing junk.

Anyway, that’s what’s going on with me this week.


The Possessor Wars

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